5L enrich360 Dehydrator - Eco 5 Food Waste Dehydrator | BusinessRecycling.com.au

Small Scale Recycling Equipment Catalogue

5L enrich360 Dehydrator - Eco 5 Food Waste Dehydrator
Dehydration/Dewatering/Desiccation , Organics Processing

The NSW EPA has strict requirements for applying organics to land.
For more information please visit the Work Health, Safety & Permitting tab.
Equipment Overview& Equipment Details

Equipment Details

Make, Model & Classification

Name 5L enrich360 Dehydrator
Model Eco 5 Food Waste Dehydrator
Classification Dehydration/Dewatering/Desiccation , Organics Processing


Description or Purpose The Eco 5 is our benchtop food waste dehydrator allowing you to process organic waste in your own home, school or office, turning your food scraps into fertiliser and reducing the original mass by up to 90%. By diverting your food waste from landfill, the enrich360 units support you in turning your waste into a resource, for a circular food economy.
Operating Principles The food waste input is dehydrated and reduced by up to 93% into a nutrient rich soil amendment, diverting food waste from landfill and its associated emissions. Through the dehydration process, input is heated and dried to remove moisture and eliminate harmful bacteria. The byproduct is a sterile and nutrient-rich, making it safe to handle and great for soil health.
Additional Information - Fits on most bench tops
- Vortech grinding technology
- Less than 1.5kw per cycle
- 5L capacity
- Compact size
- Plug and Play


5L enrich360 Dehydrator Eco 5 Food Waste Dehydrator
Recyclables Processed & Productivity

Recyclables Processed

Target Recyclables and Productivity Rates

Recyclable Type Productivity - Loading Rate
(kg per hour)
Processing Capacity - Treatment
(kg per week)
Storage Capacity
(kg per batch)
Operating Life
(machine hrs)
Yes Food Organics 7-14 cycles per week 3-5kgs per cycle 4-9 hours/cycle
Yes Other Organics (garden etc.)
Yes Flexible Plastic
Yes Rigid Plastic
Yes Mixed Plastics
Yes Expanded Polystyrene
Yes Glass
Yes Paper
Yes Cardboard
Yes Mixed Paper & Cardboard
Yes Timber
Yes Other Recyclable


Life Expectancy

Operating Life - Years 7

Level of Automation

Operating Mode Batch
Degree of Automation Semi-automated - operator attendance required for in-feed and operations

Labour Requirements

Number of Operators 1
Operator Time
(per cycle in mins.)

Consumables Required

Consumables Carbon Pellet refill

Service Requirements

Service Freq. (Tonnes)
Service Freq. (Months)
Downtime per Service (hours)

Periodic Cleaning Requirements

Periodic Cleaning

Loading & Unloading Equipment

Manual Handling Loading Manual
Manual Handling Unloading Manual
Work Health and Safety & Permitting

Work Health and Safety


Operator Training Requirements No Training

Personal Protective Equipment

Yes Head - Hard Hat
Yes Eyes - Glasses
Yes Breathing - Mask or Respirator
Yes Hands - Gloves
Yes Feet - Industrial Footwear
Yes Visibility - Hi-viz Clothing
Yes Other PPE

Training Material

Yes Printed
Yes Video/DVD
Yes Web-based
Yes Other
If Other Manual enclosed

Fencing & Enclosures

Yes Fencing
Yes Bunding
Yes Floor Reinforcing
Yes Covers or Shielding
Yes Other

Approvals Related to Use of Output

Important Note on Composting in NSW

In NSW, applying waste to land – including a processed waste such as compost - or using it as a fuel may trigger various regulatory requirements. Depending on the proposed use you may be required to comply with a Resource Recovery Exemption or need to hold an environment protection licence, and pay the waste levy.

While there is a Compost Exemption (2014) it is important to note that drying or dehydrating food waste, or any other compostable waste, is specifically excluded from consideration under this exemption. Drying or dehydrating equipment uses externally supplied energy to heat and ventilate food waste or any other compostable waste in order to rapidly dry the waste material over a short time period (typically 24 to 48 hours), either with or without the addition of an inoculum. If you are interested in this type of equipment you should refer to the resource recovery exemptions for information on lawful use of outputs.

If it is intended to use the material as a fuel, it must comply with the NSW Energy from Waste Policy Statement. http://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/waste/140056enfromwasteps.htm

Installation Specifications

Installation Specifications


Yes Power 110-120 Volts <1.5 /cycle
Yes Water KPa l/min
Yes Sewer   l/min
Yes Compressed Air KPa CuM/min
Yes Gas   Kjoule/hr


Length 27.6 cm
Width 34.2 cm
Height 35 cm
Footprint 0 sq.m
Weight 13.6 kg
Lateral clearance 0 cm
Overhead clearance 0 cm

Service Offering

Yes Supply
Yes Installation
Yes Maintenance
Yes Product Uplift
Yes Training
Yes Other
If Other <2 year Warranty
In-Feed & Out-Feed Characteristics

In-Feed Characteristics

Acceptable In-feed Characteristics

Yes Loose
Yes Bundled
Yes Tied
Yes Wet
Yes Dry
Yes Shredded
Yes Lightly Soiled
Yes Heavily Soiled
Yes Other


Excluded Materials Non-organic materials (such as metal, and plastics)

Out-Feed Characteristics

Out-feed Product Characteristics - Shape

Yes Rectangular Prism
Yes Cylindrical
Yes Other
If Other Loose

Out-feed Product Characteristics - Container

Yes Bag/Sack
Yes Wrapped
Yes Bin
Yes Other

Out-feed Dimensions

Length cm
Width cm
Height cm
Footprint sq.m
Weight kg
SG specific gravity
Density kg/Cu.m
By-product and Wastes Nutrient rich dehydrated soil amendment

Amenity and Nuisance Issues

Yes Noise
Yes Odour
Yes Vibration
Yes Light
Yes Heat
Yes Other


Yes Reprocessor
Yes End Market
Yes Other
OEM & Supplier Information

OEM & Supplier Information

OEM Company Details

Company Name FoodCycle Science
Postal Address
Country Canada
Web Site
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email

Supplier Company Details

Company Name enrich360
Postal Address Suite 2, 10 Thomas Street Yarraville
State VIC
Country Australia
Postcode 3013
Web Site www.enrich360.com.au
Contact Name Jaclyn Lees
Contact Telephone 0499 360 360
Contact Email jaclyn@enrich360.com.au
This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy initiative, funded from the waste levy.